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How you can help...

The Bear Spot Foundation to Benefit Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your generosity helps the Foundation to provide and to expand the vital programs it offers. The Foundation receives no state or federal funding, or insurance reimbursement. It is financially independent from Bear Spot Farm.

Your donation goes directly to the care of the horses. Every donation makes a difference:

  • $125 covers the cost of one session for a child in need

  • $185 pays for one visit to the dentist

  • $250 provides shoes for a horse for a month

  • $500 provides medical costs for 2-3 months

  • $1000 provides one month of boarding, and food, to keep one rescue horse happy and healthy

In addition to supporting our current efforts, growth of our Foundation will support our plans to:

  • Expand the program to include clients whose families do not have the means to pay for services

  • Add an additional pony to the program

  • Host a conference on equine assisted psychotherapy for parents and guardians interested in this innovative approach.

Make a difference in a horse’s—and a child’s—life.

Make your Donation today.

To make a donation, please select from the categories show below. All transactions are processed securely via PayPal, one of the Internet’s most trusted providers of online transfer services.

Please know that your contribution will make a significant difference to the Foundation and to its clients.

To make a gift of stock or annuities, to remember the Foundation in your will, or for remembrance/tribute gifts, please contact us.

If you prefer to make your gift by mail, please send to:

Donation Administrator
Bear Spot Foundation
276 Pope Road
Concord, MA 01742

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